UC Berkeley launches StaySafe, DefenCall - customized for them

March 19, 2012 | jca | Add a Comment

March 18, 2012 – Defentect Group, Inc. (OTCBB: DFTC), a developer and provider of immediate response and intelligent messaging software solutions, announced today that Campus StaySafe™, the Company’s proprietary safety and security SmartPhone application, is now available to the students, faculty and staff of the University of California at Berkeley.  Sponsored by the Associated Students of University of California (ASUC) and using security insights from Defentect’s partner MayDay360, the application is the first of its kind in the industry.

Defentect’s flagship SmartPhone application, DefenCall, was created in 2009 using the Company’s patented software platform to allow a user to broadcast his or her GPS location from anywhere in the world and notify family and key personnel in the event of an emergency. At the request of the ASUC, Campus StaySafe™ was initiated to provide localized security and safety information to its users in conjunction with the core messaging and personal emergency awareness features of DefenCall.

“This is the application we have been seeking for over two years,” reported Joey Freeman, External Affairs VP.  “The combination of MayDay360’s security experience, the experience of our local campus police organization, the desires of the student body for information and the core application developed by Defentect was exactly what we wanted.  In Campus StaySafe™, we now have the preventive information we want and the emergency capabilities we need.”

“We are delighted to have forged our first campus security relationship with the ASUC and the University of California at Berkeley,” stated James Ackerly, CEO of Defentect. “The most important feature of Campus StaySafe™ is that it combines pointers about safety that apply to students everywhere, localized information on programs operated by the University, and the communications links to reach first responders immediately when needed all in one application; and, it is available for download on a device that millions of people already carry – the SmartPhone,” Ackerly went on to say.

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