Comments on Sandy Hook Tragedy

December 14, 2012 | jca | Add a Comment

December 14, 2012.  Norwalk, CT.
As we sort through the facts and circumstances surrounding today’s massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we have been asked if DefenCall could have helped.  Yes and No, is the answer.

While there is limited practical defense against a deranged person doing something unspeakable, DefenCall would, in this instance, have been helpful for parents, teachers, students and the community in notifying authorities, coordinating information on injuries and survivors, and providing action steps to those on the scene.

There is no implication that the response was anything short of perfect, given the situation.  With the use of the DefenCall panic button, however, we can identify all witnesses and their locations and provide a communications vehicle for informing those involved on what to do, where to go, and how to stay safe.

This has been a tragic day for the school, the town, the state and the country - indeed anyone with children has been touched.  There is no way to know if we could have changed the outcome, but we would certainly have added a coordinated layer of communication which would give comfort and guidance in this time of tremendous stress.

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