• About DefenCall

    About DefenCall

    Defentect Group, Inc. is committed to addressing your need for safety and security. It’s important to feel secure, to know that you have some control of your environment and to be able to help protect yourself, family, students, patients, employees, and others who are important to you. DefenCall is a personal emergency alert and response solution designed to meet your security needs.

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  • Campus Security

    Campus Security

    Many campuses have a network of blue security phones. With DefenCall, every student’s smartphone can act like a blue phone AND deliver more information immediately, including GPS location, to campus security personnel - all at the touch of one button - and from wherever students are located. In addition to campus security, DefenCall can be preconfigured to also alert multiple recipients, in multiple formats, i.e. email, text, and phone, and trigger an immediate call-back to the student in distress.

  • Medical Alert

    Medical Alert

    For quick and appropriate response in a medical crisis or for extra peace of mind for those with chronic medical conditions, immobility challenges, or in cases where critical monitoring is needed, DefenCall offers a fast and easy way to call for help with the confidence of knowing that proper assistance is on its way.
    Patients with concerns, questions, or who experience negative reactions to medication can immediately send an alert and a physical location to a designated outpatient clinic, medical help desk, and/or a spouse, parent or care giver.
    rent or care giver.

  • Travel Protection

    Travel Protection

    From hurricanes to personal assaults to acts of terrorism, the list of unexpected events travelers may encounter is vast. You may need access to a resource which can prevent and respond to critical security issues. DefenCall provides a personal global safety net for executive travel, extended stays such as team or group travel, a semester of study abroad, as well as for vacationers. Our Enhanced International Travel Advisory and Emergency Response Premium services provide the extra confidence that an emergency, wherever you may be, will be conveyed quickly and acted upon by the proper responders.

  • Introducing DefenCall Service

    Available in several versions, DefenCall is your own personal emergency alert and response service solution.

    A simple tap on the big DefenCall button
    • sends an immediate message to your designated multiple contacts
    • first responders
    • sends your name, contact information and GPS location
    • automatically dial a pre-selected number.

    Explore the site, or signup for Connecticut StaySafe is easy if you want to experience the basics for free. » Click here to subscribe. »
  • Group StaySafe

    If your group (business, school, club, institution, or otherwise) would benefit from the immediate awareness of the distress of one of its members (employees, students, etc) let us show you how DefenCall can be customized to meet your needs. This version allows an administrator to configure the safety and security program information which is made available as well as who receives the emergency alerts, if more than a call to 911 is desired.

    Email info@defencall.com or fill out the form linked here. Tell Me More »

    API available

    If you are interested in integrating our notification and messaging system into an application or service you already offer, we would be happy to help.

    Email info@defencall.com or fill out the form linked here. Tell Me More »

DefenCall Blog

Comments on Sandy Hook Tragedy

December 14, 2012 | jca | Add a Comment

December 14, 2012.  Norwalk, CT. As we sort through the facts and circumstances surrounding today’s massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we have been asked if DefenCall could have helped.  Yes and No, is the answer. While there is limited practical defense against a deranged person doing something unspeakable, DefenCall would, in this instance, have [...]

UC Berkeley launches StaySafe, DefenCall - customized for them

March 19, 2012 | jca | Add a Comment

March 18, 2012 – Defentect Group, Inc. (OTCBB: DFTC), a developer and provider of immediate response and intelligent messaging software solutions, announced today that Campus StaySafe™, the Company’s proprietary safety and security SmartPhone application, is now available to the students, faculty and staff of the University of California at Berkeley.  Sponsored by the Associated Students [...]

DefenCall customer Mayday360 on CBS TV

DefenCall customer Mayday360 on CBS TV

October 9, 2010 | admin | Add a Comment

NEW YORK (CBS 2) — Last weekend, the U.S. State Department issued a terror warning for anyone traveling to Europe. At this point, nothing has happened, but it raises the question: what should you do if you find your self in harm’s way, while over seas? The founders of the website, MayDay360.com, security expert Robert Strang, [...]

It’s Time For Personal ‘OnStar’-Like Security

It’s Time For Personal ‘OnStar’-Like Security

September 28, 2010 | jca | Add a Comment

Here’s a guy who gets it. [This is an edited version of Rob Enderle's blog, the entirety of which is linked above.] I recently saw a story about a young child who, upon being confronted by armed robbers in his home, had the presence of mind to lock himself in a bathroom with his younger [...]

Exercise24 report

Exercise24 report

September 25, 2010 | JD | Add a Comment

Just weeks after launching DefenCall, the company’s signature emergency response solution, DefenCall has been prominently utilized in the live real time disaster response simulation, Exercise 24, in Southern California. Exercise 24 is a two-day international collaborative exercise demonstrating capabilities and protocols that support communication, logistics coordination, and response to a significant seismic event that generates an off [...]